In Pursuit of Elevation
The world is changing faster than we can change ourselves.
Especially now.
We are living through incredibly turbulent times. It has become clear that the sources of both our dreams and our fears have shifted from the material to the immaterial, and these new sources recognize neither borders, emotions or political persuasion. They can’t be conquered or acquired by traditional armies, traditional education or traditional leadership.
But you can still make a difference.
In fact, your leadership is the only thing that will.
Inner Peace Amid Outside Chaos
A dear friend, Michael, challenged me to share my answer to his question: what are you learning and doing to stay mentally and physically positive and full of life? This week, I do my best to answer his question with my functional and aspirational advice for how to live well!
Celebrating Creativity
Creativity is the fuel that moves our society—and our souls—forward. I'd argue, we need creativity now more than ever. To soothe our fractured selves, but also to energize the large-scale solutions we desperately need. Creativity is the fuel for the kind of change we all so deeply desire.
Lessons Learned From A Panic Attack (Banks)
This week I am reflecting on the recent bank panic. Not in terms of financial operating systems but rather human operating systems. We have trust erosion plaguing our societies. We tend to attack symptoms over causes. Deposit withdrawals are symptoms. Trust is the cause. Let’s hope this panic was the canary in the coal mine we needed to experience and go attack, more systemically, how to build societal trust.
What Is Your Age?
It's not possible to reverse aging -- but scientists are learning more and more about how to age better. That is, feel better for longer. This week, I take a page from Mark Hyman's book, literally and figuratively, about how to age gracefully on a physiological level, and why we can all benefit from it.
The Science of Emotions
In an ever-growing quantifiable world, I think we must still expressly value that with which we cannot measure. Namely, emotions. And the things like nature, love, and the arts that help us to access them! In this post, I reflect on the beautiful dance between what we know and what we don’t know. I also introduce folks to the work of Dacher Keltner and the Science of Emotions.
Conflict is Good….and Bad!
We all know that there can be too much of a good thing. But where is the tipping point with conflict?
The Ultimate Inconvenient Truth
I've always been a passionate advocate for "Living Your Life In Reverse." In other words, letting your own mortality inform your life. This week, I break the seal on what I consider to be one of the most important, and least talked about, and of course, the somewhat paradoxical idea when trying to live a better life: death.
Optimism Revisited
Optimism is not for the faint of heart, contrary to what critics may think. Optimism, I argue, is the lifeblood of progress in the face of difficulty and uncertainty. We need it more now than ever!
Identity Idiocracy
There are two converging social phenomena that I believe to have a tremendous, negative effect on our public discourse: rigid ideological labels and the prominence of false dichotomies. This week, I dive into what I believe to be identity idiocracy.
The Delusion of Centralized Power
This week, I'm challenging one of the most powerful, yet ineffective, monoliths of all time: the delusional promise of centralized power. I try and make a case for radical decentralization as a solution to many of our problems, big and small, local and global.
Temperance - A Lost Virtue
Due to the inspiration of my close friend, Eric, I have dug deep into Stoicism in the new year. This week, the Stoic value of Temperance has dug itself into my psyche and I've found it to be deeply relevant to our current state of affairs—here's why.
You Deserve a Break Today
The holiday season is for sure a time to celebrate and spend quality time with family. But it is also another type of gift. It helps us to pause. To reflect and to re-imagine what type of future we want. Let’s open that gift thoughtfully and intentionally and make the most of it for 2023. Happy Pausing!
Our Longing For Belonging
Change is the only constant in life. But our coping mechanisms, especially in the public arena, need work. The idea that disagreement equals some form of disqualification to our sense of belonging is wrong and will leave us all poorer and lonelier.
Happy Thanks Giving
Giving thanks should be natural, but this holiday always reminds us that we all have room for improvement. This week, I discuss how to incorporate more gratitude into our daily lives, as well as why I think it could improve the world around us.
The Awesome Power of Words
I think we could all use a little inspiration these days. So, for this week, I'm offering beautiful sentiments that helped me to find some perspective. After all, we are in charge of surrounding ourselves with what gives us energy, rather than what takes it away.
Who is on your other side?
It may sound counterintuitive, but we need to hold our critics as closely as we do our most ardent supporters. At least, in matters of business. And perhaps interpersonally, but certainly politically. After all, how can we create meaningful solutions for the problems that plague us without a diverse set of voices that help push the needle forward?
Lost and Found
Optimism, for some, comes naturally. For others, myself included, it's a muscle that must be strengthened by habit. This week, I discuss the importance of holding space for seemingly contradicting truths and embracing the grey areas of life.